It's postcard exchange time at Guild again...I like to make more than one postcard at a time, one for guild exchange and one to send to someone else. From the ones above, I sent the bottom flower to my sister in law, because most of the fabrics I used were ones that she sent me and they are perfect! The one with the bee, I am saving for the October meeting, as I will not be there and I made in advance.
From the photos below, I submitted the single bird one for exchange and the one with the birdhouse(I call it Home Tweet Home) is for a friend who just bought his first home with his new bride.

This is a project I have been working on for a long time, and the top is finally completed. It is called Moody Blues, because it is mainly blue fabric and the quote is from a song of theirs,
Thinking is the best way to travel. 
It's very scrappy and primitive in the lettering, it is supposed to represents the child's sense of wonder to space and space travel, not to mention that Man can achieve so much by using his brain.