I've been pretty pre-occupied with Christmas sales at the store and recovering from Snowmageddon I & II. London received record amount of snow on the weekend of the 6th, and then another dump of snow the following weekend! Leading to more snow in those 2 weekends than all of last winter! We also had to deal with some pretty wicked icicles at home (see below) and at the store!
It's like living in the jaws of the Abominable Snowman!

We have since paid a couple of people to remove the icicles! I had fear they would come crashing through the window! 
Happy Holidays everyone! Promise to blog more often in the new year!
We have since paid a couple of people to remove the icicles! I had fear they would come crashing through the window!
I didn't finish any handmade gifts this year, just way too busy. I did manage to make a few gift bags, though. Usually I just make simple drawstring bags out of scrap holiday fabric, but I did manage to make this one from Lazy Gal's website...perfect for the dvd's.
Happy Holidays everyone! Promise to blog more often in the new year!