Hello, my name is Carol and I am a fabricaholic. It's true poor Carol, she is addicted to buying fabric! At each retreat she is on a new Fabric Reduction Program...last year it was the oriental fabrics, this year the 30's prints! Clutched in her hands are the last crumbs of her 30's prints and the last small wallhanging she made from it hanging beside her! Way to go!
Above one more 30's print top! Below, well... she is still working on those oriental fabrics....maybe next year.
They say it can start with just 2....

but for Allyn it leads to 5 and 6, and eventually 9 martinis!
It didn't help when Penny fed her addiction with this saucy little tumbler!
Can it get any worse than this? Digging and rummaging for scraps? While on her cel phone, no less!
Are you still on that phone? multi-tasking, I guess!
I don't think I've ever seen anyone chain piece 4 rows at a time!
Green. Absolutely green. With envy. Looks as if great fun was had by all.
These women need an intervention! I would recommend more frequent quilting retreats and retail therapy!
That looks like so much fun! Now I'm really not in the mood to go to work today! I'd rather stay home and play.
I don't need an intervention. I can give up fabric collection at any time I choose. I just don't want to right now. And you can't make me!! LOL
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