This is what I completed in 2009 (not including postcards) doesn't look like much, I admit. I guess I started lots, but finished little!

So here is my list of quilt tops to be quilted, I would like to say, I will finish them all in 2010, but I doubt it...
Round Robin (with Christine)
Moody Blues
Test Pattern (BIQR 2008)
Floor Scrap Quilt (BIQR 2009)
Starlings at the Break of Dawn
Joy Christmas Placemats (2x)
LFQG Kids' Quilt
The Birds (Calendar challenge)
On my design wall:
Flower pot applique (BIQR 2009)
Calendar challenge: 10 to go...end date....?
Guild London challenge: designed on paper...due May 2010
Guild Row Robin: one row done, 4 to go...monthly to be completed by Sept 2010
Guild postcards: monthly, on going

I almost forgot to post this...I entered the International Plowing Match 2010 Quilt Block Challenge. You bought a package that contained Northcott Silk Inc fabrics and you had to create a 12.5 inch block, using only those fabrics. You could embellish with embroidery floss....I call this Bamboo Nights...
The pieces of fabric they provided varied in size...too much blue and not enough green. I used every bit of green, too! I used running stitches to gather the fabric to give it a more texture...The blue was too strong a colour, they also gave you too many small print fabrics.
Happy Quilty New Year to you as well! It's that goshdarn work thing getting in the way of quilting again.
I really like your Bamboo nights! It is quite blue, but you did a lovely design job.
Nice IPM block! I am looking forward to seeing the quilts they make from the blocks that everyone has entered into the competition! Your block is very creative, as usual! Thanks for sharing!
all very fabulous in all waya
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